How do I add a send window to my Campaign?

Campaign messages are sent based on a Wait Action. Adding a send window gives you more control over when those messages are sent. You can refine your sending schedule by setting both days of the week and times of day you'd like the message to be sent.

For example, you've historically tracked higher conversation rates during the work week, sending in the mornings. In this article we'll go over how to add that send window to the wait action in your campaign.

Note: Whenever you set a specific send window in your Campaign it will always read the Wait Time first, then the send window. If you have a Wait Time of 1 day the system will wait a full 24 hours first, then move on to read the specific send window you have set.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. From the Campaigns section of your list, click the campaign you would like to edit.


  2. Then, click on the Wait action you'd like to add a send window to.


  3. Next, click the "Add New Send Window" option in the Wait action settings menu on the right.


  4. You'll have the options to select specific days and times for your message to be sent. In this example we've selected to send the message after 8am on Monday through Friday.


  5. Once you've selected a send window in your campaign, click "Apply" and it will display in the Wait action of your campaign.


    Note: When a Wait Action with a send window is the last step of your Campaign and the requirements for both that Wait Time and that send window have been met, the next new action you add will take place immediately. For example in this case, if you were to add a new Send Message Action - and the Wait Time and send window requirements had already been met, the message would send immediately. 

    Additional Note: The timezone for Campaign send windows is based on the local timezone of the device that last saved the Campaign. In every case, when you edit or preview the campaign, the time scheduled is shown in your timezone. If that time is not what you want, you will need to edit it.

Congratulations! You've successfully created a send window in your campaign. Your messages will now be sent on a more precise day and time.

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