How do I trigger a campaign when someone clicks a link in my broadcast?

In this article, we will explain how to trigger a Campaign when a subscriber clicks a link from your broadcast.

Broadcasts are a great way to provide subscribers with time-sensitive updates. Using Automations you can trigger a message, or series of messages, to be sent when someone clicks a link in your broadcast. This is a great way to provide your subscribers with specific information that is more relevant to their interests.

For this example, you will need to have a campaign turned "On" that is triggered on a tag in the list. When you send out your broadcast, you'll have the option to apply a tag based on one of the links being clicked in the message. When a subscriber clicks that link, the tag is applied to them, and your campaign will be sent out automatically.

Note: This feature is not accessible on the AWeber Free plan. Upgrade your account to unlock this feature and many more by clicking Upgrade within your AWeber account, or by contacting our Customer Solutions team

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, create the campaign in your list and turn it "On" it under the Campaigns section of the Automations tab.


    Note: This campaign will need to be triggered on a tag.


  2. Next, you can create your broadcast message. Hover over Messages and select Drafts. Click the "Create a Message" button and work through the creation of your broadcast.


  3. After the message is edited and ready to send, click the options menu and choose "Schedule".


  4. From the Broadcast settings menu, find the "Automations" section. Then, click the "Add Automation" button to the right.

  5. This will give you access to the Automations menu where you can designate which links in your message will apply a tag to your subscribers when clicked.

    Note: You'll have the option to apply multiple tags per link. To do so, just hit enter or return after you've entered the complete tag.


  6. Once you've entered the tags you'd like to use, click the blue "Apply Automation" button located at the bottom right.

Congratulations! When someone clicks on one of the links in your broadcast, they'll be tagged and any corresponding campaigns will be triggered.

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