How do I use the Pop-up element in my landing page?
Landing pages are a great tool to help grow your list, offer an incentive, and promote your products and services. With AWeber's landing page editor, you can customize the design of your page to match your site branding.
If you're not sure how to get started, we have instructions on how to create a landing page.
In this article, we are going to walk through how you can use the pop up element to grab your landing page visitor's attention when they arrive on your page. This element will cause the other elements you add and format to appear in front of a darkened screen. Below is an example of how you can trigger a sign up form to pop-up from a click of a button.
Step by Step Instructions
- Start by dragging the Pop-up element onto your landing page canvas. You can place this element wherever you'd like.
You'll see a grey block appear that says 'Click To Edit'. This is only a placeholder so that you can address and edit your pop-up element within your landing page and will not be displayed on your published landing page. When you 'Click To Edit', you will see settings populate on the right side of the page used to edit the Pop-up element.
- Clicking on the 'Pop-up' tab will display the empty Pop-up element. You'll drag the available elements that you would like displayed into that space. This is the same drag and drop functionality that exists elsewhere within the message editor.
- Under your Pop-up menu, you will see two Trigger options. The Pop-up can appear on delay or when a button is clicked.
When you choose the 'Delay' option, you are provided with the 'Delay' input field. This input determines the amount of time in seconds that will pass before the pop-up element appears on the page. Your pop-up element will be displayed every time your page is viewed. This timer starts when the page is loaded for each website visitor.
When you choose 'Button' option, you are able to create a 2-step opt-in and customize your button. Clicking on the button will trigger the pop-up element to appear. This feature will allow you to leverage human psychology to encourage your audience to join your mailing list.
Landing pages can feel overwhelming if there's too much information on the page. If the page is too full, visitors are more likely to leave your page immediately because they perceive reading the page as too much effort. By using 2-step opt-in, you can provide a better user experience for your visitors!
And that is it! By using the pop-up element, you can direct your landing page visitors attention to various other elements seconds after they land on your page as well as pique your visitors' interest by creating a 2-step opt-in. Don't forget to publish your changes after saving and exiting.