How do I send a Web Push Notification?
In this article, we are going to walk through the steps to send a push notification to your website subscribers.
Web Push Notifications allow you to send timely updates to your website visitors who have opted-in to receive them. You can use these notifications to promote a specific article or blog post, or alert visitors about new products and sales. They can ultimately help boost engagement with your site. If you haven't set up Web Push Notifications for your website, you will find step-by-step instructions in our Knowledge Base article here.
Step By Step Instructions
- Click the "Web Push" tab in your account and then click "New Push Message."
- On the "Send a Push Notification" page, you can start creating your message. First, enter a title with up to 50 characters.
Next, enter the body of the message with up to 120 characters.
You can also link to your site. The "Notification Link URL" section will pull in the site from your opt-in prompt automatically, but you can link to whatever URL you need.
Finally, you can edit the logo image for the push notification. We will pull in the logo from your opt-in prompt settings automatically, but you can click "Remove Image" to add a new one.
- You will see a preview of your push notification on the right-hand side of the page. The preview is specifically for Windows 10 users on the Chrome browser, but push notifications will look different for each browser and operating system.
- Once complete, click the "Send Push Notification" button.
And that's it! The notification will be sent to your website subscribers. If they have the browser they used to originally subscribe to your notifications opened, then they will see the message. You can view stats for the notification under the "Recently Sent Notifications" section.
The "Delivered" column of the stats shows the number of subscribers who received the notification.
The "Clicked" column shows the number of subscribers who clicked on the notification.