What if I don't have a website?

There are compelling reasons to bring your offline business online. For instance, search engines are replacing phone books as a directory service for all businesses. Nonetheless, if you don't have a website, you can still take advantage of the unique benefits of email marketing.

Perhaps you run a brick-and-mortar business and frequent trade shows or seminars; these are great sources of subscribers by their own right, and there are several ways you can use your AWeber account to contact these people.

Have AWeber host your Sign Up Form

If you'd like to have a page online where people can sign up to your list, we can host your sign up form for you. After you have created your sign up form, just follow these instructions.

  1. First, go to the Sign Up Forms section of your list. Then, click the "Publish" step.

    Click Publish

  2. Scroll down and click "Use My Form as a Landing Page." Then, copy the URL that we provide.

    Copy the hosted URL

Create a Landing Page

Although the hosted URL of your form functions like a landing page, the form itself won't take up the whole width of the page. You can use AWeber's landing page editor to create webpages with some more design options.

The landing page editor functions much like our Drag & Drop Email Builder. You can create a page that matches the design of your brand, add custom fields to your form, and tag subscribers to track them or trigger automated campaigns. This page can serve to promote your newsletter, offer a downloadable incentive (like an eBook), or promote your products or services. You can also customize the landing page URL with your own domain.

Import your list

If you have an existing list of subscribers, or are building one offline, you can certainly import them into your AWeber account. Before you import, make sure that you have your subscribers permission first and foremost.

Review this article for a list of acceptable and unacceptable means of gathering email addresses to use for an email marketing campaign.

Where do I collect subscribers?

If your business has a physical location with visiting prospects and customers:

If you attend seminars, trade shows, or conferences:

If you have a product or service you can advertise on traditional print:

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