How do I add a subscriber counter to my form or website?

Reputation and credibility are important to building a successful email campaign. By adding a subscriber counter to your website it will help to show just how credible your mailing list is by showing the number of subscribers that you have. In this article, we will review how to add a subscriber counter to your AWeber sign up form. 

While the main place to have a subscriber counter is on your sign up form, you can also place that counter elsewhere on your website by taking the proper corresponding line of code from your sign up form "Raw HTML" code.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, create a sign up form. Click on "Pages & Forms" then the "Sign Up Forms" tab. Then, click the "Create a Sign Up Form" button at the top right of the page.

    Click the Create a Sign Up Form button at the top right of the page

  2. At the top of the sign up form editor, click the "Counter" button to add the counter to the bottom of your form.

    Select the Counter Button under form Elements

  3. In the popup that appears, you can change the color of the background or text for the counter. Click on the box next to the what you want to change:

    Click on the box next to the what you want to
    change to edit color

    Then use the color picker to choose the new color, and hit "Okay."

    Click okay after you select the color

    Once you are done adjusting the colors of the counter, click the "OK" button and then the "Save" button.

  4. Click the "Save Your Form" button to save the form.

    Click the Save Your Form button

  5. Next, scroll back up to the top of the page and click on "Publish."

    Publish section.png

  6. On the next page, click on "I Will Install My Form" and then from under that click on "Raw HTML Version."

    Click on I Will Install My Form and then
    from under that click on Raw HTML Version

  7. Now, scroll towards the bottom of the raw html code that you are given. About six lines above the </form> tag you will find a line of code that looks like the line of code in the screenshot below. Highlight and copy only that line of code.

    Highlight and copy only the line of code that starts with img src

  8. Paste that line of code into the HTML code of your website where you would like the counter to appear. You will now have a subscriber counter on your website!

    Paste that line of code into the HTML code of your website for where you
    would like the counter to appear
    And that's it! You can have the subscriber counter built into your site or directly on your site. 
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