How do I backup my messages and subscribers?

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, go to the "Manage Lists" section of your account. Then, click the "Export Active Lists" button.

    Click Export Active Lists

  2. Creating the backup file takes a few minutes. Choose the email address where we should notify you when the file is ready and click the "Create Backup" button. We will email you when the file is ready.

    Select an email

    Note: Campaign emails and drafts will not be included in the backup. The messages in your backup will be limited to Broadcasts and Split Tests.
  3. Once you get the email, go back to the Manage Lists page, and click "Export Active Lists" again. Then, simply click the "Download" hyperlink in the popup to download your backup.

    Click Download hyperlink

    Note: Backups are in .zip format. If you do not have a program to open .zip files, you can download WinZip for free. Keep in mind that backups will only be available for download directly within your AWeber account.
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