How do I customize the look of the subscriber options page?

When subscribers click on the link at the bottom of any of the messages AWeber sends on your behalf, they will see a page providing options for removal or changes to their subscriptions.

In order to provide a consistent experience for your subscribers and your brand, including your logo and website address, you may wish to customize the appearance of this page.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. In your AWeber account, go to your List Settings, under the List Options menu.

  2. Here, click "Personalize Your List" from the left-hand side of your page. Your company name, website URL, and logo (if you provide an image) will appear on the unsubscribe/change subscriber options page--make sure this is what you want subscribers to see.

    Company details

    Once you've made your changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save All Settings."

  3. To see what the page looks like, scroll down to the "Subscriber Pages" section and click "View Unsubscribe Page."

    View Unsubscribe Page

Congratulations! You have now customized the Subscriber Pages.

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