How do I customize the Confirmation Message?

While the body of the confirmation message, including the confirmation link itself, cannot be edited, you can customize the surrounding content of the confirmation message. The surrounding content that can be customized includes the subject line, the introduction, the signature line, and the page subscribers are taken to after clicking the confirmation link.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, you should go to the Confirmation Message page. To get there, click List Settings under List Options. From the left-hand side of the page, click on Confirmation Message.

    Confirmation Message tab

  2. The first thing to edit on this page is the subject line of the message. You can choose one of our approved subject lines from the drop-down menu provided.

    Subject lines

    You can also always provide your own custom subject line for the confirmation message. To do so, click on the link provided for "Request a custom subject line."

    Request a custom subject line

    If using a custom subject line, we recommend that you mention the name of your company, as it can be a powerful tool in increasing confirmation rates. Keep in mind that while editing the subject (or any other area on this page), you can add the subscribers name or other personalization field by selecting it from the drop-down box.

    Custom subject line box

    Note: Custom subject lines are reviewed by AWeber's Support Team. They need to convey two pieces of information:

    • A call-to-action
    • A request for previous information

    If the subject line does not communicate to the recipient why they are getting the message and what they need to do with it, your subject line will be declined and you'll need to submit a different one.

  3. If you would like to change the language for your confirmation message, that can be done using the "Language" drop-down menu.

    Choose a language
  4. After selecting the subject line for this message, you'll need to edit the Message content as well. You can do this by clicking "Edit message content."

    Edit message content button

    Or, by hovering over the entire block of text and selecting "Click to edit."

    Click to edit

    We recommend using your own introduction rather than the default. This is a great place to provide a little information about the confirmation process and explain why the subscriber should confirm. Keep in mind that there is a limit to the size of the introduction - it can have no more than 500 characters and must be 10 lines or less.

    Confirmation header

    Note: To revert back to the default text for each section click the "Reset Content" button.

    Reset Content link

    You can also select the text you want to display on the confirmation button.

    Confirmation button

    You'll also be able to edit the Signature of this message. This can be a simple sign off, or can contain additional information as a part of saying "thanks."

    Confirmation signature

  5. After you've finished editing the message, click "Preview" to return to the message preview and save your changes.

    Click Preview

  6. Below the message itself, you can change the web page that people are sent to when they click that confirmation link. By default, they will go to a basic page that AWeber hosts, so it's a good idea to have a page of your own to direct them to--there you can thank them, redirect them to your web site, or tell them about the next step they should take. Enter the URL of the page that you would like the subscriber to be sent to after they confirm into the "Confirmation Success Page URL" field. Make sure to include the full URL, http:// and all.

    Confirmation Success Page section

    Note: The "Personalize your custom success page..." toggle can be enabled if you need to pass information back to your site. If you do not want to do this, or are not sure why you would want to, you can simply leave that unchecked for now.

That's it! Once you are done making changes, be sure to click "Save All Settings."

Click Save All Settings

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