How do I unsubscribe someone from my list manually?

Using your customer control panel, you can unsubscribe one person at a time, or a group of subscribers all at once.

Unsubscribing One Person At a Time

  1. Go to the main dashboard by clicking the AWeber logo in the top left corner.

  2. Above the "Lists" table towards the bottom of the page you will see an area in which you can perform an individual subscriber search. From the first drop-down menu you can choose to search by the subscribers "Email" or "Name." Once you enter your search criteria you will want to click the "Search All Lists" button

    Search all lists

  3. Once your search is completed you will see an entry for every list in your account that the email address is on. Click on the name field, hyperlinked in blue, to pull up the subscriber's profile.

    Click the name

  4. At the upper right-hand corner of the subscriber's information, click the "Unsubscribe" button.

    Unsubscribe button

Unsubscribing A Group of People 

  1. First, go to to the "Subscribers" page. Click the "Subscriber Tools" tab and click "Bulk Unsubscribe."

    Subscriber Tools tab

  2. On the Bulk Unsubscribe page you will want to paste the email addresses you want to unsubscribe into the "Emails" box.

    Enter the email addresses

    Where it says "Reason for unsubscribing," you can enter a word to remind you why you're unsubscribing these people. That label will be stored as the Ad Tracking value for those subscribers. You can view this Ad Tracking while searching subscribers or viewing the Ad Tracking reports in your account.

    Reason for complaining

    You can choose to unsubscribe the group of subscribers from all lists at once, block them from your list, or apply automation rules that you have set up.

    Unsubscribe from all lists, block, or apply automations
  3. Click the Unsubscribe button once you are done.

    Click Unsubscribe

Please note that the addresses that you wish to unsubscribe can be listed in any format, even if found throughout extra text. For instance, let's say that you've received the following message from one of your subscribers:

Dear Sir,

I, (, am no longer in the market for a widget. Please stop sending widget-promoting emails to

Sam Subscriber

You can copy that whole message, paste it into the Addresses to Unsubscribe text box, and click the Unsubscribe button. We'll remove all of the email addresses mentioned in the message from your autoresponder, including:

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