How do I block an entire domain?

Blocking an email domain prevents all email addresses at that domain from subscribing to your list.

Once you block an entire domain in your list, the system will unsubscribe all email addresses using that domain on your list. The system will also prevent any new subscribers using that blocked domain from signing up to your list.

Note: The system will unsubscribe all addresses using the blocked domain approximately 60 minutes after the domain is blocked in your list.

How to Block an Entire Domain From Subscribing to Your List

  1. Go to the "Subscribers" page in your list, click the "Subscriber Tools" tab, then click "Block Subscribers."

    Click Block Subscribers

  2. On the "Block Subscribers" page you will want the enter the domain (e.g.,, etc.) that you want to block or a specific email address that you would want to block. In the "Reason for Blocking" field, you can enter a brief note so you remember why you're blocking the domain.

    Add the domain
  3. Click the "Block" button. All addresses at that domain will be blocked from signing up to your list.

    Click Block
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