How do I collect subscribers at conferences?

If you've ever attended a conference, seminar, or trade show, you know that they provide great opportunities for exposing your business to many people in a relatively brief period of time.

To maximize the benefit of attending one, be sure to get permission for your email campaign from as many interested attendees as possible. Rather than wasting time and opportunities, you can efficiently follow up with prospective customers using your email marketing campaign.

To get permission from attendees, take advantage of three major ways you come in contact with them: in conversation, by presentation, and at your table.

small caution triangle Explicit permission is absolutely necessary.  Collecting someone's business card is not the same as asking for permission.


Everyone You Speak With

As you're describing your product or services, and when you're sharing your expertise, mention your email campaign and why it'd be useful to the person you're speaking with.

"A great way to learn more about this service is my email newsletter.  I send my clients and associates monthly messages with expert advice and special prices.  Would you also like to receive them?"

If there are particular incentives for signing up (e.g. special prices for subscribers), mention them also.

Your Presentation

If you have the opportunity to present to attendees, don't squander the chance to follow up with the audience.

Somewhere during your speech, mention your newsletter, much like you would to people you speak with on an individual basis. 

Then, pass sign up cards around and collect them when you're finished.

Your Table

You're likely to get the most exposure to people here, but if there is a large number of other tables, many people will shy away from discussion in favor of browsing and gathering materials to review later.

When they do read over your literature, they may then be interested in getting more information, and this is a great opportunity to have them sign up for your campaign.

Ways to generate subscribers at your table:

yes_check.png Put your website address on all print materials
yes_check.png Have sign up cards visitors can drop in a box

Make sure you have a sign up form published at a prominent location on your web pages, or send them to a landing page whose sole purpose is to capture email addresses.

You should also illustrate the advantages of signing up on your table, including incentives you might offer and useful information you've highlighted in the past.

Once You've Collected Subscribers

If you have collected a list of subscribers, to add the subscribers you've received permission from, compile them into a spreadsheet, or type them right into our Import feature.

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