Can I bulk unsubscribe people and block them at the same time?

In this article, we will walk through the steps to unsubscribe and block someone from one or all lists using the unsubscribe page.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Go to the "Subscribers" page.

  2. Click the "Subscriber Tools" tab and then select "Bulk Unsubscribe."

    Bulk Unsubscribe tab

  3. On the "Bulk Unsubscribe" page, you will want to enter the email addresses that you would like to remove and block into the "Emails" area.

    Enter the email addresses

  4. Check the box to "Block these subscribers," and also check "Unsubscribe these subscribers from all lists in my account" if you'd like to block them from signing up for your other lists.

    Click the checkboxes

  5. When you're done, just hit the "Unsubscribe" button.

    Click Unsubscribe

And that's it! The subscribers will be unsubscribed from all lists in your account and blocked so they cannot sign up again. You can delete your unsubscribes to completely remove them from the account.

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