Why is my import being manually reviewed?

When reviewing the status of your import, you may see a message like this:

Import pending review

This message indicates that your import has been submitted to our Customer Solutions team for further review. Imports are typically going to be reviewed within 1 business day of being submitted.

Why is my list being reviewed?

A clean list that can be used with AWeber will have been mailed regularly, with requests for unsubscribes promptly honored, and undeliverable addresses automatically removed. Before any email was sent to a list's subscribers, explicit permission for those emails must have been given.

When your import is submitted, it goes through a process that helps us to automatically determine whether or not this was the case. We look at:

  • How permission was obtained for email
  • The age of a list and how recently it was emailed
  • Other items that indicate proper (or poor) list management

If there is any data indicating a lack of management, the import is flagged for a more detailed manual review.

Why does list management matter?

When Internet Service Providers (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo) process messages sent to their users to decide whether to deliver them, one of the things they look for is the reputation of the sender, based on several factors including:

The number and percentage of messages addressed to undeliverable email addresses.

If a sender is seen as sending too high a percentage of messages to undeliverable addresses, or email addresses that are no longer (or never were) valid, the deliverability of the sender's messages is reduced.
The number and percentage of complaints filed by recipients when they click on the "Mark as SPAM" button.

Increasingly, ISP's are interested not only in the initial permission given to receive email by their users, but also in their continued interest in messages. Messages sent to unmanaged lists tend to file a disproportionate number of these complaints.

In order to maintain the highest rate of delivery for you and all of our customers' messages, we can only accept lists that meet high standards for management.

Can't you clean my list for me?

The process we use to determine list management is only efficient in its specific purpose of pointing out potential problems with a list.  If a further review indicates serious problems with a list, it would be rejected.

There are services such as BriteVerify and Kickbox that offer list cleaning services and they can be good for cleaning out older or invalid addresses. The use of list cleaning services will not guarantee approval of an import.

Properly managed lists with detailed sources that are pulled for review would be imported without any issue after review.

Is there a limit to the amount of subscribers I can import?

There is no limit to the number of subscribers that you can import. Our Import Team may request that a Broadcast message is sent to a sample portion of your subscribers if large numbers of subscribers are being imported. Pricing will automatically adjust depending on the number of subscribers in your AWeber account.

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