How do I collect subscribers from print publications?

Your website is the best way to generate a list of responsive subscribers, since people are seeking out your information at the point where they give you their email address. 

However, some business owners:

yes_check.png Don't have websites or physical locations customers can visit, but still want a way to effectively connect with people
yes_check.png Do have a website, but seek to expand the range of their advertising to reach a wider demographic

If either of these statements describe your business, advertising your email campaign in a print publication is a solution you will want to consider.

How to Collect Subscribers Using Print Ads

Find a publication that runs short advertisements in the price range you can afford. 

tip_bulb_small.png To maximize your return on investment (ROI), you'll want to choose publications with a readership that fits in your business' niche, rather than general interest publications.

Run an ad that uses a few enticing words to hook the reader so that they want to know more.

The method you provide for readers to subscribe will depend on a combination of two factors:
yes_check.png Whether or not you have a website
yes_check.png The length of your ad space

If you do have a website and have ample space, direct readers to the URL address for a page on your website containing a sign up form in a highly noticeable location.  Instruct them to sign up for your email campaign.

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