Why am I not receiving new subscriber notifications?

When you first setup your mailing list, you will see a field to specify an email address that you would like to be notified at whenever you receive new subscribers from sign up forms.

These notification emails will now display as coming from AWeber Notifications. The actual email address for these messages is being sent from: help@aweber.com.

Subscriber Notification Example

If you have not done so already, be sure to add help@aweber.com to the address book within the email service you are currently using to receive these notifications. This will help in safelisting our address so emails from help@aweber.com are not filtered to spam.

If you are still noticing that emails are not being received after safelisting the address you can always access the mail settings of your email provider and safelist the IPs and servers that we send our notifications from: http://smtp-corp-00.aweber.com http://smtp-corp-01.aweber.com http://smtp-corp-02.aweber.com

If you are unsure of how to safelist our IPs and servers, please consult the service that you use to host your email address.

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