How do I change where I get AWeber's advocate tips?

As an advocate for AWeber's Customer Referral Program, you receive AWeber advocate tips by email to help increase your referral payments.

Change the email address where we send your tips

  1. Login to your advocate account.
  2. Click the "My profile" link at the top right of the page.

    Click my profile

  3. Near the top of the page, you'll find your current email settings. You can change the address we have on file here.
    1. Alternately, to the right, you can add an entirely new address with the green plus button, or change which address will receive these updates by checking the box under the News column (addresses with that box checked will receive our Customer Referral newsletter).

      Locate Email Address below Notifications

  4. When done, click "Save emails".

    Update email address
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