How do I change the minimum payment amount in my Customer Referral account?

If you would like to get referral payments less frequently, but with a larger dollar amount per payment issued, you can easily do so in your advocate account.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Once you've logged in, click "My profile" in the upper right.

    Click my profile

  2. Here, scroll down to the Payment Options section - you can use the drop down menu labeled Check Minimum to change the minimum payment amount.

    Scroll down to payment options and change minimum amount

  3. Once you're done, just click "Save profile information" at the bottom of the page to save your change.

    Click save profile

Keep in mind that the lowest minimum payment amount is $30.00 for U.S. based advocates or $50.00 for all others - please refer to our Customer Referral Agreement for more information.

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