How do I track how many times my messages are opened?

Anytime you send an HTML message, AWeber tracks the number of times that message is opened by your subscribers.


You can view the opens for any of your broadcasts by visiting their "QuickStats" pages.

To find your "QuickStats" page you will first click "Broadcasts" under the "Messages" tab.

Broadcasts tab

Here look for the heading "Sent," and just click on the subject line of the broadcast you want to see the "QuickStats" page for.

Sent Message Subject Line.png


To see opens for all your messages at once, you can visit the reports page.

Go to your Reports page, under the "Reports" tab.

Reports tab

On the left side of the page you'll see a list of reports.

At the bottom of the page, choose "Broadcast totals" or "Followup totals" depending on which type of message you want to see stats for:

Select Broadcast totals or Followup totals

Your stats will display in a table and graph to the right.

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