How do I see who has opened my message?

If you would like to see who exactly is opening your messages, you can quickly find out using our "Search" feature. Once you've found who has opened your messages, you can export those subscribers, or save them as a segment to send a broadcast to later.

For a Broadcast

You can easily see who has opened a broadcast by checking its QuickStats page.

Click the "Messages" tab and select Broadcasts. Then, click on the subject line of the broadcast in question (under the Sent Broadcasts section).

Sent Message Subject Line.png

This will take you to the "QuickStats" page for that message, where you can see all sorts of information about your message.

Stats for your Broadcast will display

Then if you scroll down on the "QuickStats" Page, you'll see the list of subscribers who have opened your message - opens is the first option on the page, and is enabled by default.

For a Campaign

  1. Click the "Subscribers" tab and select "Subscribers." On this page, select "Message opened" from the first "Search Option" drop-down menu.

    Message opened search

  2. Now, click in the empty field to the right of "Message opened" and click "Campaigns."

    Select the Campaigns tab

  3. Click on the name of the Campaign that contains your message, then choose the message itself in the drop-down that appears.

    Select the Campaign

  4. Finally, click "Search." All your subscribers who have opened that message will be displayed below.
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