What format should I write messages in?

In this article, we will be reviewing the different formats you can create your messages in. You can create plain text and HTML versions of your messages to send to your subscribers.

For HTML Messages:

  • Use our pre-designed templates, and plug in your own text and images
  • Use our drag and drop editor to build your own template
  • Create your message in an external HTML editor (such as Dreamweaver) then copy and paste the HTML into the HTML editor

Note: our pre-designed templates are automatically mobile responsive and formatted to appear consistently across all platforms and devices. If you're not comfortable with coding HTML, we definitely recommend using the drag & drop editor to create a message instead. You can also use our Smart Designer tool to generate a template from the content on your website.

Working Outside of AWeber

If using Microsoft Word or other word processing programs to create your messages, copying content from external programs can cause formatting issues, as they contain proprietary formatting that will not render properly in an HTML email message. Before pasting the content into an AWeber message editor, use Notepad or another plain text editor that will not insert proprietary formatting.

  1. Copy message content from the original source.

  2. Paste content into a plain text editor like Notepad or a free online resource like: http://www.editpad.org/.

  3. Copy content from the plain text editor.

  4. Paste content into the AWeber message editor. 

Shortcuts for Pasting without Formatting

Keyboard shortcuts can be used to paste content into the message editor directly without using a plain text editor.

  • Using a Mac, press: Command + Shift + V
  • Using a PC, press: Ctrl + Shift + V

You can also access this feature using the context menu on your computer. 

  • Using a Mac, this option is "Paste and Match Style"
  • Using a PC, this option is "Paste without formatting"

For Plain Text Messages:

We have a plain text editor that you can use; however, we strongly recommend creating HTML messages for better deliverability.

What if I have issues designing my messages?

Custom Template Design information

AWeber offers hundreds of templates you’re welcome to use! If you would ever find yourself wanting to modify an existing template or would like a custom template built for you to reflect your branding, our Template Team would be happy to modify existing templates or design a custom template for you!

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