How do I put links/URLs in messages?

Hyperlinks can be added to messages created with AWeber. Images in your message can also be hyperlinked. In this article, we will review how to hyperlink text and images.

Hyperlinking Text

  1. First, highlight the text to turn into a hyperlink. Then, click the chain icon in the toolbar that appears directly above or below the text.


  2. A window will pop up where the link URL can be entered. Paste the URL here. Then, click the green check mark at the bottom left of the window. 

    Window to add link to highlighted text

Hyperlinking an Image

  1. While working on a message, go to insert an image by dragging the "Image" element into the area of the message that the image should be inserted.

    Drag Image Element into message

  2. Then, from the image menu that appears on the right-hand side of the editor, click "Upload An Image" to select and upload an image from a computer. Alternatively, click "Image Gallery" to add a stock image or any previously saved images.

    Select the image

  3. After the image is uploaded, add the URL to the "Image Link" field.

    enter the the URL in the Image Link field

Hyperlinking using Link Preview

  1. First, enter the web page's link into its own line and hit the return  or  enter key.

    Adding hyperlinks using link preview

    With Link Preview, there is also the option to add the hyperlink as a link preview or button. 

And that's it! Hyperlinks have been successfully added to the message. Now, when the message to subscribers, they will be able to click the hyperlinked text or image and be redirected to the webpage!

For a complete walkthrough on creating and sending a message from start to finish, see our how-to video and watch the message editor in action:

Need help designing your messages?

Custom Template Design information

AWeber offers hundreds of templates for you to use. If you need modifications to an existing template or a custom template built to reflect your branding, our Template Team is here to help. We're happy to modify existing templates or design a custom template tailored to your needs.

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