Why aren't my links clickable?

If your links seem to be unclickable when you test your messages, here are some things to look out for:

In a plain text message, you want to make sure that you are including the full URL of the page that you want to link to, http:// and all. For example:

example.com - Will not be clickable.

http://www.example.com - Will be clickable.

Even though the link won't be clickable in the message editor, when you send a plain text message with full URLs as in the example above, they will be converted to clickable links when the message is actually sent (or when you perform a test).

In an HTML message, you need to create hyperlinks in order for them to be clickable. 

Step By Step Instructions

  1. When you are working in a message, first highlight the text you'd like to turn into a link.

  2. In the mini toolbar above or below the, click the Link button (it looks like a chain).

  3. This will pop up a window - simply enter the destination URL here. Click "Save" once complete.


    Note: If you're pasting in your full URL into the "URL" box, the system will automatically assign your protocol for your link.
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