How can I have broadcasts automatically published to Twitter?

In this article, we will review how to connect your AWeber account to Twitter and how to post to your Twitter account when you send a broadcast message. Beyond its use for personal purposes, social networking provides a way for online professionals to share information and network with a wider audience. Reaching out to a wider audience through social networking can benefit your business and help grow your list.

Twitter lets you publish short blurbs quickly and have them syndicated to people following your profile. Seeing the value of using this technology as a way to expand the reach of email newsletters, we've developed a feature that allows AWeber users to automatically post a tweet linking to a web version of any broadcast message.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, click the "List Options" tab and select "List Settings."

    List Settings tab

    From the left-hand side of the page, click "Personalize Your List."

    Click Personalize Your List

  2. Scroll down on this page to the "Social Media Sharing" section and click the "Connect to Twitter" button.

    Scroll down to Social Media Sharing and cliCk Connect to Twitter

  3. This will take you to a page on Twitter's site where you can enter your Twitter login and password to allow your AWeber account to tweet for you. Just enter your information and click the "Authorize app" button.

    Authorize app button

    Note: If you are already logged into your Twitter account, you may see the below image instead. Click "Authorize app." 

    Authorize app button
  4. This will take you back to your AWeber "List Settings" page. You can scroll down to the "Social Media Sharing" section again, and you will see your Twitter account.

    Example of Twitter account added to list settings

    Note: The first Twitter account that you connect will be the default automatically, but if you add another Twitter account in the future, you can click the "Make Default" link and all broadcasts from the list will be tweeted to that Twitter account instead (you can disable this for an individual broadcast manually). Each list can have its own default account.
  5. After you've created your draft message, click the "Schedule" button to access the settings of your broadcast.

    Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11.13.40 AM.png

  6. Click the "Edit" button for the "Share Message" section. You can choose whether or not to post your message to your Newsletter Hub using the toggle.

    Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11.37.19 AM.png

  7. Then, you can choose to tweet the message using the "Share to Twitter" dropdown. To do so, select your connected Twitter account from the drop-down menu.

    Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11.38.27 AM.png

    Note: You can also choose to not tweet this message (useful if you set a Twitter account as your default), or even add a new Twitter account from this menu. Adding a new Twitter account works the same way here as it does on the "List Settings" page.

  8. Once complete, proceed with the scheduling of your broadcast.

How Twitter chooses the image that is shared:

  • First, Twitter will look at the first image file that is in your email. If it is larger than 300px wide, it will use this image when sharing the Broadcast. 
    Note: Twitter looks at the original size of the image. If you uploaded an image that was larger than 300px and then made it smaller in the editor, they would still use this image. If the image you uploaded was smaller than 300px and you stretched it to make it larger, Twitter would not use the image. 
  • If the first image in the Broadcast is smaller than 300px, or if there is not an image in the Broadcast, they will use the logo that is saved in your list settings. 
  • If you do not have a logo saved in your list settings, Twitter will use our default placeholder image.
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