How do I edit an AWeber template?

As you run your campaign you may decide that it is time for you to create a template that you will want to continually use. This is great for branding your campaign with a consistent look that your subscribers will recognize as being unique to you!

If you like the way that our templates look, but just want to change some things around with them and save it as your own template, you can certainly do this using our template editor. This article will explain how to start with and make changes to an AWeber template. 

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Start by going to the "Messages" tab and click on Email Template Manager. Click the "Design My Own Template Button" and select "Start With an AWeber Template."

    Star with an AWeber Template option

  2. The key difference with this message editor is that you are creating a template that you can re-use whenever you create your messages instead of creating a message to be sent. You will want to give your template a name in the area that says "Name Your Template" at the top of the page.

    Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 4.09.48 PM.png

  3. Once you have named your template, you can load one of our templates and then start editing one of them to fit your own style. Click on the template you would like to edit, and then click "Apply" below.

    Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 4.19.42 PM.png

  4. Now that you have chosen a template to work with, you can remove any preset blocks that are in it or you can add additional blocks to the row. To delete a block, first click on the block you would like to delete. Then, click on the "Delete" button in the block you have clicked.

    Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 4.24.19 PM.png

    To add new blocks to your message, simply drag them from the left hand toolbar into the body of the message.

    Wide shot of all elements in builder

  5. Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.10.20 PM.png 
    The "Text" block creates a block of text. Click to edit the text once you've placed the paragraph block.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.15.26 PM.png
     The "Article" block creates a headline, a text area, and a "read more" link. Click the text to edit it, and set the URL of the link in the window to the right. Some templates may include an image as well - if that's the case, you can edit the image via the window to the right as well.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.10.44 PM.png
    The "Image" block allows you to insert an image into your message. The window to the right allows you to upload an image directly to AWeber or enter the
    URL of the image you'd like to display. You can also have the image link to another page when clicked, and provide the text that will appear when someone hovers their cursor over the image.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.11.24 PM.png 
    The "Video" block allows you to add a YouTube video to your message. This will take a screenshot of your YouTube video and hyperlink the image with the URL of the YouTube video.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.11.06 PM.png 
    The "Button" block creates a clickable button. To the right, you can change the URL the button is linked to, change the button label, text style, button color, or replace the button with another image.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.15.56 PM.png
    The "Social" block adds buttons to allow audience to follow you on social media
    add the links to your social media accounts using the menu to the right.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.12.38 PM.png 
    The "Product" block creates an image which you can replace with an image of your product, along with text for the product's name, description, and price. Finally, it comes with a button that can take customers to your order page. The image and button can be edited via the right side window.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.15.40 PM.png 
    The "Coupon" block is ideal for special offers or discounts, with a text area and a dashed border (think a cut-out coupon) by default. On the right, you can add a background image or change the border.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.11.35 PM.png 
    Similar to the "Image" block, the Logo block inserts an image, but automatically loads your logo if you've set one up on the "
    List Settings" page.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.16.21 PM.png 
    The "Signature" block adds your
    signature file to your message. 

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.27.52 PM.png 
    The "Divider" block allows you to add visible separation elements to your message with borders that are dotted, dashed, or solid.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.16.09 PM.png 
    The "Share" block allows your readers to share your broadcast to popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Add which services you would like to share to from the Share menu to the right.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.11.50 PM.png 
    The "Row" block allows you to add new rows to the body of your message.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.16.38 PM.png 
    The "
    Carousel" block allows you to add an Image Carousel powered by AMP to the body of your message. In order for the use the Image Carousel, be sure to install AMP for Email.

    Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.12.22 PM.png 
    The "Feed" block allows you to add the RSS feed of your blog to your message.

  6. Continue to edit the template like creating a message. You can edit the formatting of the text within the blocks and insert any images that you would like.

  7. Once you have your template looking the way you like just click on the "Save & Exit" button at the bottom of the page.

    Click Save & Exit to save your template

  8. If you would also like to make edits to the HTML or CSS of the template, click "Edit Source" in the upper corner of the theme.

    Click Edit Theme on the bottom-left of the template to edit the HTML or CSS

  9. You will have the option to edit the HTML of your message layout as well as the different elements in the Drag and Drop Email Builder.

    Click Email Layout & Drop Zones to edit the HTML of your message as well as different elements in the editor

    Choose "CSS" to access and edit the CSS of that template.

    Click CSS to edit the CSS feed of the template

    Note: Updating the HTML/CSS Theme will effect any template under that Theme as well.

  10. Now when you go to create a new message you can just click on the "Templates" button and then click on "My Templates". You will then see your template as a template that you can load and use. Just click on your template and then click "Apply" below.

    Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 8.12.45 AM.png

    For a complete walkthrough on creating and sending a message from start to finish, see our how-to video and watch the message editor in action:

    Need help designing your messages?

    Custom Template Design information

    AWeber offers hundreds of templates for you to use. If you need modifications to an existing template or a custom template built to reflect your branding, our Template Team is here to help. We're happy to modify existing templates or design a custom template tailored to your needs.

    Ready to enhance your email campaigns with stunning designs? Reach out to our Template Team today!

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