How do I remove a Broadcast from my Newsletter Hub?

When you send a broadcast message, by default the option to "post" the broadcast message to your Newsletter Hub is set. This option can be checked on and off prior to being sent as well as after the broadcast message is sent. This article explains how to remove a broadcast message from your Newsletter Hub after already being sent.

The Newsletter Hub was previously named the Broadcast Archive. As of October 29, 2021, this has been updated. 

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, click the Messages tab and select Broadcasts. Then, click on the subject line of the sent broadcast message you would like to remove from your Newsletter Hub.

    Sent Message Subject Line.png

  2. You are directed to the "Quick Stats" of your broadcast. Scroll down to the Newsletter Hub Links section.

    View the Newsletter Hub Links section

  3. Click the "ON / OFF" toggle switch and this will remove your message from your Newsletter Hub.

    Toggle Switch to Off

That's it! Now your previously sent broadcast message will be removed from your Newsletter Hub so others cannot view that message. If you ever want to add the broadcast back to the archive, toggle the "ON / OFF" switch back to "ON".

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