How do I integrate Google Analytics with AWeber?

While there are no direct integrations with Google Analytics, don't let that stop you from using Google Analytics with your AWeber account.

With Google Analytics you can track certain pages on your website. You can specify pages of your website to be associated with certain goals within Google Analytics. With this, you can track how well a particular sign up form is doing or if anyone is clicking on any particular messages with Google Analytics. Through a different, but similar method you can track link clicks within your messages with Google Analytics as well.

While AWeber does track this information with our standard reporting and analytics, it may be helpful for you to use this integration if you want certain analytics data to be centralized within Google Analytics.

The instructions below are for setting up Google Analytics tracking for sign up form submissions. Instructions for using Google Analytics to track link clicks in messages can be found further down the page.

For tracking sign up form submissions

In order to track sign up form submissions with Google Analytics you will need to setup a custom "Thank You" page for your sign up form within AWeber. On the page that you specify as the custom "Thank You" page for your form you will want to make sure the Google Analytics javascript code is installed on it.

  1. As you are creating a sign up form in your AWeber account you will have the option to specify a "Thank You" page for that form. This is where you will specify to use a "Custom Page" URL and you will want to enter the URL of the page on your site that you want to track.

    Setting a custom thank you page

    Next click the "Save Your Form" button. You can then install the form to your website if you wish to do so at this point.

  2. Now you will want to log into your Google Analytics account. Once you have selected the site that you want to track you will want to click on the "Admin" tab on the bottom left of the page.

    Click on Admin

    On the right side of the following page, underneath "View (Profile)" you will want to select "Goals."

    Click View Profile

  3. You will then be taken to a page to create a new goal. On this page click the "Create A Goal" button.

    Click Create A Goal

  4. Now you will see a box to name the goal. Since this is for tracking sign up form submissions you will want to choose a name for your goal that relates to what it is for. In our example we will simply name the goal "sign up form submissions."

    Name your goal profile

  5. For the "Type" you will want to select "Destination."

    Select the destination type

    Click the "Next step" button.

  6. On the next page you will want to enter the page extension for the destination URL for the goal. So for example, if your thank you page URL for your sign up form is then you would want to enter /thankyou.html as the "Destination" for the goal.

    Set the URL for the goal

    Further down the page click the "Create Goal" button.

  7. Now that you are finished you will be able to track the traffic that goes to that particular page and it will be recorded as a destination goal within the goals report page in Google Analytics. Since that page would be set as the thank you page for your sign up form, any time anyone fills out that form and hits that thank you page they will be recorded towards that goal in Google Analytics.

    Examples in Google Analytics

For tracking links clicked in a message

In order to track who clicks on links in your messages with Google Analytics you will need to create a trackable link in Google Analytics using their URL Builder. You can then place that link in your messages so you can track any time a subscriber clicks that particular link.

  1. First, navigate to the Google Analytics URL Builder. Enter the URL of the page that you want to track. In this example we'll use the link

    The URL Builder

Next , you'll be prompted to fill out additional information for this link.

  • For the "Campaign Source" use "AWeber" so you can tell the link being tracked is for use with AWeber. 
  • For the "Campaign Medium" use "email" so you know the link being tracked is for email. 
  • For the "Campaign Name" you can enter the type of content that you are tracking. 
  • You do not need to fill in anything for "Campaign Term" or "Campaign Content" as they are not required fields.

Setting campaign information

Once you have entered the desired fields your URL will populate under the "Share the generated campaign URL" section. You can copy the URL directly, or convert it to a shorter URL.

Copy the built URL

Now that the link you want to track is copied you can insert it into your message as you would a regular link.

Add a hyperlink

Now whenever subscribers click that link in your messages that click will be recorded under your "Campaigns" report within your Google Analytics account. When looking at that report, if you want to see the specific source of traffic for that campaign click on the "Source" link above the report.

Checking source reports

In this example we show how this report would look in Google Analytics.

Report example

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