How do I integrate TabSite with AWeber?
TabSite is a service that allows you to easily create and manage custom apps and run promotions on your website, blog, and Facebook pages. TabSite users can add multiple custom apps to offer deals, contests, and more. This customization can help you build your subscriber list and automatically follow up with your subscribers.
The AWeber integration is available with any TabSite app that offers a form (except Drag N Build which is a unique app). This article explains how you can integrate TabSite with AWeber using the Sweepstakes App.
Step By Step Instructions
- First, you will need to add the app. To do so, click the "Add+" button for the Sweepstakes App.
- Customize your sweepstakes from the options available in the left hand sidebar.
- Select "Integrations" from the left hand sidebar.
- Click "Enable" for the AWeber integration.
- Click the "Get Access" button to authorize the AWeber integration.
- Another window will pop up. Here, you will need to enter in the login details for your AWeber account. Once your AWeber account details are entered, click the "Allow Access" button.
- You will see your access token, token secret, and ad tracking information provided. From step #5 within TabSite, select the list you would like subscribers added to once they sign up for your sweepstakes.
- From step #6 within TabSite, click "Map Form Fields". Match your form fields from the options available. Then, click "Save".
- Now that you've saved your sweepstakes, go to the "My Apps" section. Choose the publishing option that you're looking for (depending on how you wanted to publish the sweepstakes), and publish the sweepstakes.
That's it! Now, you have successfully integrated your TabSite sweepstakes with AWeber. Your subscribers will automatically be saved to your AWeber email list you connected with. Now that this integration is complete, here is an example of how a TabSite sweepstakes could look like.