What type of characters can I use in my messages?

When you create your messages for your campaign, you can use unicode characters and emojis (a character set that allows you to write foreign characters, symbols, and emoticons). The unicode characters will allow your subscribers to read your content in your native language. This means that if you have a subscriber that speaks a different language (such as Thai), they will be able to see Thai characters (such as ณ) in your message.

An example using foreign language characters:

Foreign language characters

An example using symbols and emojis:

Symbols and emojis

Using : followed by some text in a message can be a convenient way to display an emoji selection. For instance, typing :smile can bring up a list of smiley face emojis to choose from. This feature helps to make selecting and using emojis in your message quicker and easier!

Image showing using a : and the word smile afterwards to display an emoji selection


Things to Keep In Mind Before Sending

While most email clients support the use of foreign characters (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook), not all do. As a result, the characters you use might not display properly for subscribers that use certain email services, such as AOL, so keep this in mind before sending emails with foreign characters.

You should consider testing your opens and click rates to determine the impact it has on the performance of your emails.

Also, keep in mind that you can’t copy and paste foreign characters from an outside service like Microsoft Word. Your content must be created within the message editor to guarantee language support.

What if I have issues designing my messages?

Contact our awesome design team with questions

AWeber offers hundreds of templates you’re welcome to use! If you would ever find yourself wanting to modify an existing template or would like a custom template built for you to reflect your branding, our Template Team would be happy to modify existing templates or design a custom template for you!

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