How do I add a draft message to my Campaign?

Creating a message for your campaign is easy. In this article we will walk through the steps to create a draft message and add it to your campaign.

Step By Step Instructions

  1.  First, go to the Drafts page and click "Create a Message" to get started. We recommend using the the "Drag & Drop Email Builder" so you can utilize our customizable templates and create a message that matches your company branding.


  2. You can now create your new message as you would any other in your list. Once you are ready to add it to your campaign, click "Save & Exit" and navigate back to "Campaigns." Click the edit button of the campaign you would like to edit.


  3. Then, drag and drop the "Send a Message" action onto the canvas. You can double-click the action to add it to your campaign as well.


  4. This will add the action to your campaign.


  5. To choose the message you would like to send, click the "Send Message" action in the canvas and access the Settings in the right-hand sidebar. Here, you can select any current draft in your list by clicking "Choose Message."


    Then, select the message you would like to use.


  6. The subject line of your message is now listed under the Send Message action in your campaign.


There you go! You've added a message to the campaign. Moving forward, you would be able to add more actions and apply any necessary tags and wait times.

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