How can I add a previously sent Broadcast to my Campaign?
Once you have sent a broadcast message to your subscribers, you may want to add that message to one of your campaigns for other subscribers to receive. In just a few steps, you can copy the previously sent broadcast message and add that Draft to your campaign. This article explains how to copy your previously sent broadcast and add the message into your campaign using Campaigns.
Step By Step Instructions
- Go to the "Broadcasts" page, locate the broadcast under the "Sent" section, and click "Copy."
- Next, go to the "Campaigns" page and click the edit button of the campaign you would like to edit.
- Then, drag and drop the "Send a Message" action onto the canvas.
Note: You can double-click the action to add it to your campaign as well.
- From the right-hand side of the campaign editor, click "Choose Message." You will be able to select any current draft in your list, including the message you previously copied.
- The subject line of your message is now listed under the "Send Message" action in your campaign.
That's it! Now, you've successfully added your previously sent Broadcast to the campaign.
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