How do I get started with Campaigns?

Campaigns let you send the right message to the right person at the right time, saving you time while allowing for targeted and effective communication.

Actions like Trigger, Send a Message, Wait, Apply Tag and Check Feed make it easy to build and customize your Campaign. You can also allow multiple entries so subscribers can repeat a Campaign they’ve completed before.

This article will help you create a campaign automation from scratch using Campaigns.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Before creating your campaign automation, prepare your messages. Head to Messages and click the "Create a Message" button to create your emails using your preferred editor. The Drag & Drop Editor is our most popular editor. Once your messages are ready, you’re all set to build your campaign.


    Create messages for campaign automation

  2. Navigate to Automations, select Campaigns, and click the "Create Campaign" button. 

    Select a campaign template

    You’ll have the option to start fresh with a "Blank Campaign" or choose from one of our campaign templates.

    Create a campaign from scratch by selecting Blank Campaign

  3. Every campaign begins with a Trigger. Choose one of these options:

    • On Subscribe. Start the campaign when someone subscribes through a specific method.
    • Tag Applied. Start the campaign when a tag is applied to a subscriber.

    Select a campaign trigger to start the campaign automation

  4. Build your campaign by dragging actions from the left-hand sidebar to the Canvas, your workspace for organizing the campaign flow. Each new action dropped onto the canvas will serve as the next subsequent action to be taken with the subscriber.

    Campaign Canvas

  5. To build your campaign, choose the different "Actions" from the left-hand sidebar and drop them onto the canvas. Available actions include:
    • Send a Message. Send an email to your subscriber. 
    • Wait. Add delays between actions.
    • Apply Tag. Add or remove tags to trigger other Campaigns or segment your audience.
    • Check Feed. Monitors your RSS feed for new content.

      Left-hand menu with different actions

      Drag-and-drop actions onto the Canvas or double-click them to add them beneath the last action.

    Drag and drop actions or double-click them to add it to the Canvas

  6. To customize an action, click it on the Canvas and adjust its settings in the right-hand sidebar. For example, you can set the delay time for the Wait action directly from this menu.

    Important: Keep in mind that send windows use the timezone of the device that last saved the campaign. When you edit or preview the campaign, ensure the scheduled times align with your intended timezone.

    Wait action settings can be updated using the right-hand menu

  7. Reorder actions by dragging them to new positions on the Canvas. Actions below the moved item will automatically shift to maintain the campaign flow.


  8. Once your campaign is complete and passes the checklist, click "Publish" to activate it.

    Checklist and Publish button found in the top-right corner

  9. If you need to pause your campaign, open it in the Campaigns builder and toggle "Published Version" off.

    Pusblished Version toggle

    You can change a Campaign’s status by clicking the options menu (three vertical dots). Available statuses include "Close" and "Stop".

    Options menu to clor or stop an activated campaign

    Important: Campaigns that are closed or stopped cannot be reactivated, so be sure of your decision before making this change.

    And that’s it! You’ve created an AWesome series of messages using Campaigns. You can continue to add new actions, tweak your current Campaign, or build entirely new ones to keep engaging with your audience.
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