How do I copy a sent Broadcast to another list?

After sending a Broadcast from your list, you may want to repurpose that content for other subscribers. This article will walk you through how to copy a Sent Broadcast to other lists in your AWeber account.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Click the "Messages" tab and select "Broadcasts."

    Broadcasts tab

  2. Locate the message you would like to copy from the Sent Broadcast section. Click the 3 dot menu to the far right and select "Copy to List" option.

    Broadcast Copy

  3. Select the list you would like to copy the message to.

    Broadcast Copy 2.png

  4. Next, you will see a notification telling you the message has been copied.

    Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 4.58.38 PM (2).png

Congratulations. You can now access and edit this message as a Draft in your list.

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