How do I turn my Campaign back on?

If you've noticed that your AWeber campaigns have stopped sending, it might be because the campaign has been turned off. Turning your campaign back on is a straightforward process that can get your messages back on track. Follow these simple steps to ensure your content reaches your subscribers without delay.

1. Navigate to the Campaigns Page

Once you're logged in, look for the "Campaigns" option in the main menu. This section houses all your on and off campaigns.

Campaigns section.png

2. Find the "Off" Campaign

Browse through your list of campaigns to find the one that has been turned off. You can easily identify turned off campaigns by their status indicated next to the campaign name. Or, you could select the "Off" section to only display your turned off Campaigns.


3. Turn the Campaign back "On"

Click either the name of the Campaign or hover over the right panel and click the "Edit" button.


4. Toggle the Campaign On

In the Campaign builder, toggle the On/Off switch to turn the campaign on.


5. Check the Campaign Status

Once the Campaign is turned back on, the status of your campaign changes from "Off" to "On".  This means your campaign is now ready to send messages to your subscribers according to its schedule.


Additional Tip:

  • Consider reviewing your campaign settings after reactivation to ensure everything is configured as intended.

By following these steps, you can quickly turn your AWeber campaigns back on and resume your email marketing efforts. Remember, keeping your campaigns on is crucial for maintaining engagement with your subscribers.

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