Navigating the New Message Editor in AWeber

AWeber's continuing goal to innovate and improve our toolset and experience has lead to a number of changes and enhancements to our platform. In this article we'll focus on changes made to the Drag and Drop Editor's element presentation and interface.

👀 A Fresh Look for Menus and Panels

The Element Menu on the left and Settings Panel on the right have a subtle float and softer corners allowing the canvas background color to show and frame the panels. 


🧭 Flexible Navigation with Collapsible Breadcrumbs

Collapsable components including the breadcrumb selection on the Settings Panel allow for more ease of navigation and a reduction of clutter. The breadcrumb menu itself allows for consistent reference and navigation among the settings of the selected row, or element or the message settings as a whole. 

friendly-ui-breadcrumbs (1).gif

🚀 Streamlined Element Editing

A new Edit action has been added to the Element Action menu, allowing users to quickly toggle to the appropriate properties menu while interacting with their intended element on their content canvas. The Move action at the bottom of the Element Action Menu has been enlarged and further separated to ease access and use. 


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