How do I determine a winner for my Split Test?

Once you run your Split Test, it is important to know how successful your messages were and how your subscribers engaged with them. These results will allow you to make changes to your messages based on engagement or determine which messages you want to use moving forward. 

In this article, we will walk through step by step how to view the stats of your Split Test and determine a winner of your messages.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Go to the "Split Tests" page and click the arrow to the right of the split test you wish to view. 

    Click arrow to see Split Test stats

  2. A drop-down menu will appear to display the Broadcast message stats for all messages included in the Split Test. 

    Stats for Split Test

  3. Based on engagement (subscribers who opened the message), Split Test A would be determined as the winner. 

    Observe best split test stat

And that's it! You just successfully ran your Split Test and determined a winner based on subscriber engagement. 

You can now send the rest of your list the winning message under "Split Test segment C". 


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