How will I know about API updates or changes?
Like many companies that provide a public API, AWeber occasionally releases changes to our API in order to fix bugs or add new features. While every attempt is made to make sure these changes do not break any existing behavior, it can still be helpful to know what is changing with each release. We have several ways for developers using our API to get updates on upcoming features or changes.
Email newsletter
We have an email newsletter just for developers using our API. This newsletter contains information about new features and upcoming changes to the API, so it’s a great way to stay informed. If we ever release a change that will require updates to your code, it will definitely be mentioned in the newsletter so this is a great way to stay in the loop!
When you sign up for a developer account you should be subscribed automatically but if you are unsubscribed or would like to have another email address receive updates you can sign up using the form here:
In addition to the announcements in our newsletter we also maintain a changelog on our documentation site. If you’re curious about past changes or want to periodically look for updates you can find all of that information on our changelog.
Developer Account Contact Information
If we ever have a need to contact a subset of developers about a problem specific to their integration we’ll use the email address listed in the developer account to do so. It’s very important to keep your account’s contact information up to date. Not sure if the information in your account is correct? Just click “My Account” from the drop-down containing your name and you’ll be taken to a page where you can check your information and make updates if needed.
In addition to receiving updates, it’s important your email address is correct in the event that you forget your password. The email address on file is required in order to change the password, so keep it up to date!