How do I remove a message from my Campaign?

With Campaigns, you can easily create a sequence of messages to send automatically to your subscribers when they're added to your list. You can construct your campaign by adding different actions. You can use the "Send a Message" action to send a message, the "Wait" action to add a wait time in between your messages, and the "Apply Tag" action to apply tags to your subscribers throughout the campaign. You can make changes to the actions in your campaigns at any time and remove any actions that you no longer want to include.

In this article, we will walk through the steps to remove a message from your campaign.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, click the "Automations" tab and select "Campaigns." On the Campaigns page, click on the campaign edit button.


  2. After you click the campaign name, you will be brought to the campaign editor. To remove the "Send Message" action itself, click "Remove" to the right of the subject line.

    Note: Clicking Remove will permanently delete the message. If you would like to make a copy to drafts first, you can do so on your campaigns tab. 


    And that's it! You have successfully removed the action from your campaign.

  3. If you would like to keep the action, but remove the message associated with it, you can do this by first clicking the action to highlight it.


  4. You can then edit the settings for the action from the right-hand side of the editor. Click "Remove" in the "Selected Message" box.


And that's it! The "Send Message" action will still be listed as a step in your campaign, but it will no longer have a message associated with it. You can now select another draft to add to the action.

Note: Any changes that you make to your campaign will only affect subscribers who haven't reached that point in the campaign yet.

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