How do I change the font in my messages?
With AWeber's Drag & Drop Email Builder and HTML Editor, you can customize the text of your messages in a couple of different ways. For example, you can hyperlink text, change the size of the text, or edit the font style.
In this article, we will discuss how to change the font of the text in your messages using both the Drag & Drop and HTML Editor.
Drag & Drop Email Builder
- If you haven't done so already, create a message and add text to the message using the Paragraph element. Then, highlight the text that you want to edit.
- After highlighting the section of text, a toolbar will appear at the top of the screen with different options to edit the text.
- Click the Font Family option in the toolbar.
- Once you click that drop-down, you will be able to choose from the different fonts available. Click the name of the font you want to use. In this example we'll use Playfair Display. You can select between Standard Fonts or Web Fonts. Web Fonts will be labeled in the dropdown.
You can select between Standard Fonts or Web Fonts. Web Fonts will be labeled in the dropdown. "Web Fonts" include styles like Merriweather and Permanent Marker. These styles allow you to further customize your messages to match your company's brand or simply add a little bit more unique design.
And that's it! The text will now be the font that you selected.
HTML Editor
- First, create a message using the HTML Editor and add text to the body of your message.
- Then, highlight the text you want to edit and click the "Font" drop-down from the toolbar at the top of the editor.
- Select the font that you want to use from the drop-down menu. You can select between "Standard Fonts" and "'Web Fonts".
And that's it! The text will now be the font style that you selected.
"Web Safe" Fonts vs. Web Fonts
Not all font styles will render properly across all email providers and devices, most notably Gmail. There are some fonts, however, that are common among all computer software. These fonts are considered "web safe," meaning, they will display properly across all platforms.
All of the "Standard Fonts" available in AWeber's Drag & Drop Email Builder and HTML Editor are considered "web safe". If you use Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times, Trebuchet MS, or Verdana, the message should display properly across all email providers and devices.
That being said, there are a few different Web Fonts that you can select from. If you added a Web Font that is not considered "web safe," and you're noticing that the font is appearing differently when you conduct tests or send your messages, don't be alarmed. If an email provider is not able to display a font style, they will revert to a similar "web safe" font automatically. AWeber's Web Fonts and their corresponding fallback fonts are listed below.
Web Font |
Fall Back Font |
Arvo | Times, Serif |
Lato | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Lora | Times, Serif |
Merriweather | Times, Serif |
Merriweather sans | Verdana, Sans-serif |
Noticia Text | Times, Serif |
Open Sans | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Playfair Display | Times, Serif |
Roboto | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Source Sans Pro | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Permanent Marker | Comic Sans, Sans-serif |
For a complete walkthrough on creating and sending a message from start to finish, see our how-to video and watch the message editor in action:
Need help designing your messages?
AWeber offers hundreds of templates for you to use. If you need modifications to an existing template or a custom template built to reflect your branding, our Template Team is here to help. We're happy to modify existing templates or design a custom template tailored to your needs.
Ready to enhance your email campaigns with stunning designs? Reach out to our Template Team today!