What are web fonts?
Computers come with standard text fonts locally installed for use with web applications. "Web safe" fonts like Arial and Times New Roman can be found on any computer, making them a good option as any computer will be able to properly render them. For information on how to change the font in your messages, take a look at this Knowledge Base article.
In this article, we will define what web fonts are, and how they are used.
Web fonts
Web fonts allow web designers to use fonts that are not installed on the user's computer. When their page is loaded, the font in use is loaded and displayed along with the webpage. This applies to email as well. Messages that you send to your subscribers are rendered using their various email providers, all of which will recognize and load "web safe" fonts.
What are the benefits of using web fonts?
Although there are many standard web fonts available for use, you may not find any of them fit with the style or design of your message. Web fonts give you the ability to style your text in many unique ways, outside of the standard options.
What will happen if my email provider can't read my web font?
What happens in the event that you use a web font that is not recognized or rendered by a subscriber's computer? For each web font, there is a standard fall back font designated to take it's place should any issues arise. AWeber's Web Fonts and their corresponding fallback fonts are listed below
Web Font |
Fall Back Font |
Arvo | Times, Serif |
Lato | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Lora | Times, Serif |
Merriweather | Times, Serif |
Merriweather sans | Verdana, Sans-serif |
Noticia Text | Times, Serif |
Open Sans | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Playfair Display | Times, Serif |
Roboto | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Source Sans Pro | Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |
Permanent Marker | Comic Sans, Sans-serif |
Dancing Script | Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif |