How do I add Web Analytics to my website using the AWeber for WordPress plugin?

After installing the AWeber for Wordpress plugin, you can automatically add the Javascript snippet from your Email Web Analytics to your Wordpress website. With Web Analytics, you can track more detailed information about your subscribers' behavior on your website after they click on the hyperlinks in your messages!

Note: To be able to properly track page visits a cookie is required. To receive this cookie, a subscriber will need to first visit the page through a link in the email. Once a subscriber has received this cookie, we can track a page visit regardless of where a subscriber came from. If a subscriber does not have this cookie, we won't be able to track their page visit.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. If you haven't done so already, install the AWeber for Wordpress plugin.

  2. After successfully authorizing the connection between AWeber and Wordpress, you will see additional settings appear on the "AWeber Web Form Options" page. Click the checkbox for "Analytics Event Tracking." This is unchecked by default.


  3. Then, click "Save."


    Please note: If you have not already configured Web Analytics in your AWeber account, you will need to finish the setup process.

And that's it! The Javascript snippet will now be added to all of the pages of your Wordpress site. When you send a message and include a hyperlink to your WordPress website, AWeber will be able to track more information about the pages that they hit when they visit your website!

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