How do I integrate Restrict Content Pro with AWeber?

In this article, we will walk through the steps to integrate your AWeber and Restrict Content Pro accounts.

Restrict Content Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create memberships for your website. You can create free, trial, and premium subscription packages for your memberships and manage all member data from within the plugin. You can also offer discount codes for your members and create recurring-billing subscriptions connected to different payment integrations. With the AWeber integration, people who become members will also be added to the AWeber list that you specify.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. If you haven't done so already, download and install the Restrict Content plugin and AWeber Pro add-on.

  2. Once the plugin is active, click the "Restrict" tab from the menu options on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Then, click "AWeber Pro."

    AWeber Pro tab

  3. You will first have to authorize the integration within the "AWeber Pro Settings" page. Click the "AWeber Authorization Code" link.

    AWeber Authorization Code link

  4. Enter your login credentials and click "Allow Access."

    AWeber Login Window

  5. Then, copy your unique authorization code.

    Copy AWeber Authorization Code

  6. Return to the "AWeber Pro Settings" page and paste your authorization code into the "App ID" field. Once complete, hit the 'enter' button on your keyboard.

    Paste your authorization code

  7. You will now be able to configure the settings for your integration. First, select the default list from the drop-down menu to which you would like subscribers added.

    Select a default list

    Next, select whether you would like subscribers added to the default list and any membership-specific lists.

    Double Subscriber checkbox

    The default form label will be "Signup for Newsletter." You can customize this label.

    Form Label field

    If you would like subscribers automatically subscribed to the list, then leave the "Auto Subscribe" checkbox unchecked.

    Auto Subscribe checkbox

    Then, select the default checkbox setting. You can have the opt-in checkbox automatically checked or unchecked. Once complete, click "Save Options."

    Select a default checkbox state

  8. After you've saved your default AWeber settings, you can edit the settings for specific membership levels. To do this, click the "Membership Levels" option from the plugin menu.

    Membership Levels menu option

  9. If you haven't done so already, create a membership level. Select the list you would like associated with the membership level from the "AWeber List" drop-down menu and then click the "Add Membership Level" button.

    Select an AWeber list

And that's it! Congratulations, you have successfully integrated with Restrict Content Pro. Subscribers will now be added to your AWeber list when they become a member of your website.

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