How do I delete a subscriber from multiple lists?

If you would like to remove a subscriber from any and all lists in your account, you can accomplish this from your homepage. In this article, we are going to walkthrough the steps to search and delete a subscriber from multiple lists.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Go to your main "Dashboard."

  2. Above the "Lists" table, there is a search bar. From this area, you can search for a subscriber based on their email address or name. Enter the criteria you would like to search and click "Search All Lists."

    Search All Lists for an email

  3. This will bring up the subscriber's information for any list that they are subscribed to. To delete them from a specific list, click the checkbox to the left of the list name.

    Click the checkbox

  4. Then, click the "Actions" button, and select "Delete."

    Click Actions and Delete

  5. If you would like to delete the subscriber from all of the lists to which they are currently subscribed, click the checkbox at the top of the column, which will select all of the checkboxes on the page. Then, click the "Actions" button, and "Delete."

    Click all checkboxes

And that's it! The subscriber's information will no longer be stored on the lists from which they were deleted.

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