How do I set up Web Push Notifications?

In this article, we will walk through the steps to set up Web Push Notifications in your AWeber account.

Web Push Notifications allow you to send timely updates to your website visitors who have opted-in to receive them. You can use these notifications to promote a specific article or blog post, or alert visitors about new products and sales. They can ultimately help boost engagement with your site. Learn more here.

Note: If you find that you don't have access to the root directory of the platform that you're using, this feature cannot be used on your site. Wix and Shopify are among platforms that do not provide this option. If you are using Wordpress, you can use AWeber's WordPress plugin to install Web Push Notifications.



Step By Step Instructions

  1. First, click the "Web Push" tab in the control panel. Then, click the "Get Started" button.

    Get Started button

Website URL and Logo

  1. Enter your website URL in the "Website URL" section. If you have a website in your “List Settings,” we will add this for you automatically, but you can change it if you would like. (Remember to type "https://" in front of the website URL)

    Website URL section

    Note: we can only support secure websites which begin with HTTPS.

  2. Next, you can add a logo which will be shown on your “Opt-In Prompt” and Web Push Notification messages. You can change this anytime. If you already have a logo added in “List Settings," we will load it here by default. You may upload one or choose one from your AWeber image gallery.

    Click Browse for File

  3. Once complete, click "Save."

    Click Save

Add Snippet to Your Website

  1. After you add your website and image, we will generate a unique snippet for that website. Click the clipboard icon to copy the code and paste it into your website directly before the closing </body> tag. You can add the snippet to any page on your site where you want the opt-in prompt to display--it can be on multiple pages or just one.

    Click Clipboard

    If you created your page using Wordpress, use AWeber's plugin for WordPress to install Web Push Notifications.

  2. Click the “Verify” button to make sure the code is installed correctly.

    Click Verify

Add Setup File to Your Website

  1. Each website that you save will also have a setup file that you need to install. Click "Download Setup Files" to download the setup files. Then, Unzip the file and upload them to the "root directory" of your website. 

    Click Download Setup File

    Note: the root directory of your website contains all of the directories and files of your site. This is essentially how everything on your site is displayed when someone visits the page. How you access this directory depends on your web host, like Namecheap, Cloudflare, cPanel, HostGator, etc. It's likely that you have access within your web host application. For specific instructions, you can contact your web host's support team.

  2. Click the “Verify” button to make sure the setup files are installed correctly.

    Click Verify

And that's it! You've successfully installed Web Push Notifications on your website. Now, you can create a notification and push it through to visitors who have opted-in.

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