What information can I view on my Dashboard?

The Account Dashboard provides an overview of the subscribers, sales and broadcasts in your account, and allows you to easily access helpful tools like the drag & drop editor. In the sections below, we are going to highlight what information you can view on the dashboard.

Subscriber Stats

The subscriber stats section, or "People" widget, is located at the top of your dashboard. The "Total Email Subscribers" section shows the total number of subscribers in your account. You can get a full breakdown of your lists in the "Lists" table, which we will discuss below.

People Widget

This will also show the number of subscribers who were added to your lists in the last 30 days and previous 30 days, and will show the number of subscribers who unsubscribed in the last 30 days. You can click the "Add Subscribers" dropdown to choose "Add a Subscriber" or "Import Multiple" to access the "Add Subscribers" page.

Option to add subscribers

Sales Stats

The sales stats section, or "Sales" widget, is located in the center block of your dashboard. The "Total Sales" section shows the total number of sales recorded through Sales Tracking and Ecommerce sales. 

Sales Stats on Dashboard

This will also show the number of sales in the last 30 days and previous 30 days. The "Total Purchases" shows how many products were sold across your total sales. With AWeber Pro, you can click "View Report" to view your sales reports. If you sell with multiple currencies, you can also toggle between them to view the corresponding stats. 

Click View Report or Currency for more options

Other Helpful Tools

Above the dashboard widgets, there are helpful links to start creating draft messages. If you click "Create a Message," you can select between the Drag & Drop Email Builder, Smart Designer, or Plain Text Editor, or HTML Editor.

Create a Message

Broadcast Data

Underneath the widgets, you will see the "Scheduled Broadcasts" section. This will show upcoming broadcasts for your account and when they will be sent. 

Scheduled Broadcasts on Dashboard

Next, you will see the "Sent Broadcasts" section, which shows the two most recently sent broadcasts. This includes opens, clicks, bounces, and complaints. With AWeber Pro, you can click on the subject line of the message or click "View Stats" to view the QuickStats page and more detailed stats information. You can also copy the message back to your drafts or to the drafts page of another list.

Recently Sent Broadcasts on Dasboard

List Stats

Lastly, you can view the full breakdown of your lists from the "Lists" table. This shows the total number of new subscribers added today and yesterday, as well as the total number of active subscribers and unsubscribes by list. The "Total" column shows the total number of subscribers in each list. The last row in the table shows totals for the whole account. This table can be very beneficial to help locate and delete your unsubscribes if you're not using their data.

List table

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