How can I automatically send my YouTube videos after they are published?

Use Campaigns to automatically send a message to subscribers after a new video is posted to the YouTube channel. This email notification will make sure people know they have a new video to watch and help increase YouTube views.

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Click to create a new campaign.

    Click Create Campaign

  2. Select the "YouTube Automation" template.

    Select Youtube Automation Template

  3. Using the Check Feed action, link it to YouTube channel.

    Update Check Feed action to your Youtube Channel

  4. Under Feed URL, paste in the link to the YouTube channel — the link will automatically update to retrieve the video feed:

    Your Youtube Feed URL

  5. Set the frequency to schedule often to send the notification.

    Set your sending frequency

    Note: Keep the Frequency setting to Hourly to send a notification as soon as the video posted.
    Otherwise, choose from Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to send the notifications on a set schedule

  6. Next, click on the Send Message action inside Step 3 to start editing the Campaign message.

    Click Send Message Action

  7. Under "Selected message", click the subject line to edit the notification message.

    Click the Subject line

  8. Replace the sample article provided by the template.

  9. Using the Feed element, enter the Youtube channel URL to load the video feed.

    Add your Feed URL

    Note: Set the feed to dynamic to send the latest content.

  10. Customize the notification message. Once completed, click the "Save & Exit" to save your message and return to the Campaign editor. 

    Click Save & Exit

  11. Click "Save & Exit" again to save the Campaign. 

    Save & Exit Campaign

  12. Lastly, activate the Campaign to start sending.

    Activate Campaign Button

Currently, this template is set to trigger for all new subscribers that sign up for the mailing list. Existing subscribers can be added new campaign to new Campaign using tags.

Additionally, by updating the campaign trigger to "Tag Applied", the notification message can be sent to a specific group of subscribers.

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